For customised arms/weapons please note them in the comment sections
The volktoad don’t charge you head-on. They use the environment to their advantage. Their ranged troops will hide behind the few bushes or petrified trees, firing volley after volley until opposing forces approach. At that moment, their melee troops will surface from the murky waters of the mire, and encircle the enemy. After this, the ranged troops will close in and assemble behind the melee troops that will begin the slaughter. In the mire, there’s no standing army that equals the volktoad except for the lizard men, but that’s another story
Bulwark Defenders is created by Cast 'n Play and suitable for any table top rpg or wargame.
Looking for some models in the same set check Mire Volktoads collection.
Bulwark Defenders
- Name: Bulwark Defenders
- Set: Mire Volktoads
- Scale: 32mm
- Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
- Material: Photopolymer Resin
- Color: Gray
- Base: Not included, matching bases can be found in the items' set.
- Model Creator: Cast 'n Play