When the Kalivan was released, it destroyed some containers that had sludge mixed with other dangerous substances. Some exploded, but some combined with the ambient, poisoned some of the staff, and drove others insane. Although most of the fumes have dissipated, enough remain that they can harm any creatures moving about the den without any protection.
Mechanical Goliath is created by Cast 'n Play and suitable for any table top rpg or wargame.
Looking for some models in the same set check Insane Inventions collection.
Mechanical Goliath
- Name: Mechanical Goliath
- Set: Insane Inventions
- Scale: 32mm
- Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
- Material: Photopolymer Resin
- Color: Gray
- Base: Not included, matching bases can be found in the items' set.
- Model Creator: Cast 'n Play