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Dwarves, sometimes refered to as 'Stout Folk' are a short and heavy race. They might be vertically challenged but they more then make up for that with their bulk and strength.

A battle hardened Dwarven Barbarian weilding a crude dual handed axe, heavy and dull it may be but the sheer strength of this dwarf more then makes up for the sub-optimal weapon. Barbarians are strong, fast and fearless, they're quick to anger so just don't make fun of his mohawk.

Dwarven Barbarian

SKU: ENS000079
    • Name: Dwarven Barbarian
    • Set: Dwarf
    • Scale: 32mm
    • Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
    • Material: Photopolymer Resin
    • Color: Gray
    • Base: Not included
    • Model Creator: Epics 'N' Stuffs

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