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Dwarves, sometimes refered to as 'Stout Folk' are a short and heavy race. They might be vertically challenged but they more then make up for that with their bulk and strength.

This is a Dwarf Guardian, wearing medium armour with a short heavy war torn mace.

Dwarven Guardian is created by Epics 'N' Stuffs and suitable for any table top rpg or wargame.

Looking for some models in the same set check Dwarfs collection.

Dwarven Guardian

SKU: ENS000132
    • Name: Dwarven Guardian
    • Set: Dwarfs
    • Scale: 32mm
    • Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
    • Material: Photopolymer Resin
    • Color: Gray
    • Base: Not included
    • Model Creator: Epics 'N' Stuffs

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