A scribe of the Ek Viriktar, Tergrid stands as a measure of encyclopedic knowledge against the enemies that her party might face in battle. Having studied the teachings of the Temple of Tharanais most her life, Tergrid quickly came to realise no coin could be made as an Acolyte of Tharanais in the Dwarven lands. She entered the Ek Viriktar in a bid to keep her fellow Dwarves safe, and continue her quest of knowledge through learning and regurgitation of all the strange beasts that she would face.
Tergrid Everen - The Crusher is created by DM Stash and suitable for any table top rpg or wargame.
Looking for some models in the same set check The Grand Hunt collection.
Tergrid Everen - The Crusher
- Name: Tergrid Everen - The Crusher
- Set: The Grand Hunt
- Scale: 32mm
- Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
- Material: Photopolymer Resin
- Color: Gray
- Base: Included as pictured in the image
- Model Creator: DM Stash