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Mus - The Moose

The mus is a distant relative of the stag though taller, more muscular, and more robust. This creature is so powerfully built that most predators hesitate to attack it unless it is old or wounded. The mus are 7 feet tall at the shoulder and have antlers that can penetrate even the most resilient armor. They shed these antlers once a year and grow new ones which are always larger. Explorers have discovered piles of these antlers together as if it were a dump. Nobody has found an answer to this, although the antlers are then collected and used to strengthen the defenses or barricades of dwellers of the Frost Lands.

The mus prefer cold climates and don't survive long in warmer temperatures without the assistance of magical means. When summer falls on the Frost Lands, these creatures will spend vast amounts of time in the water, swimming for hours to cool off.

Mus - The Moose is created by Cast 'n Play and suitable for any table top rpg or wargame.

Looking for some models in the same set check Cornelia's Companions collection.

Mus - The Moose

SKU: CCC000060
    • Name: Mus - The Moose
    • Set: Cast 'n Play
    • Scale: 32mm
    • Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
    • Material: Photopolymer Resin
    • Color: Gray
    • Base: Included as pictured in the image
    • Model Creator: Cornelia's Companions

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